This week was a lot better than the last. We did a lot of finding and found no one but that's okay. The girls are my little rays of sunshine always. There is nothing better than showing up to a lesson and they are excited to see us and keep wanting us to start as we try to visit with their mom and see how her week was. They really hunger after the gospel. They aren't going to get baptized this weekend. They didn't make it to church because their mom had to work. And last week they were sick. We are moving the date but they are still solid and growing.
Elder Todd |
I did the weirdest thing this week. I have been trying to follow the Spirit more. I have a hard time knowing if it's just in my head or the Spirit, so it's always a battle. We were contacting downtown and we walked past this insurance place. I looked in and this girl was there. Oh well, whatever. We walked past again and I thought I saw her crying--like positive she was crying. It was so weird. I felt for her--like ached and we walked past. I was like, "She needs what I have!" So we turned around and (I didn't tell Elder Todd what was going on) we almost walked past again...UGH! Finally, I just stepped in and told her that I felt that she could use this and gave her a card and invited her to check out the church's website. I apologized for it being awkward and walked out. I couldn't believe that I had just done that! But I felt like I had done the right thing. The Spirit confirmed it this week. I have seen the effects of little promptings. I'm so bad at following them that our miles ares starting to pay for it but I'm slowly learning. By the end of the week I was drained--like weary.
Sunday was such a relief! My goal was to take the sacrament and have it renew my covenants and to cleanse me, So I applied myself. That darn Summers' blood came out! I was trying not to cry as I felt the Spirit touch my heart as I was passing the sacrament. It was such a miracle--so small and yet it renewed, sanctified, and lifted my tired soul. What a blessing to be able to take the sacrament every 7th day for the rest of my life!
My companion and I are adjusting just fine. I just have to learn to love him. He's a great guy. I'm trying to learn to refine myself. Mission's aren't about baptisms. It's about the molding and shaping of the missionaries...building their conversion. When people see that, I believe they feel and begin to see that in the missionaries. That is what ignites something in them!
So you know that hole in my ear? One of the other elders noticed it and his mom has one. So he asked if he could put a needle in it. (He didn't use the sharp end.) I was pretty sad. It wasn't too deep. His mom can put a whole earring in hers :/ I guess I wasn't meant to have my ears peirced all the way ha-ha
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