Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy in Howell

New Year's Eve Chinese with Elder Fakahau
So I'm now in this little ward called Howell. The the ward is about the size of a branch. It's so small but it seems good so far. We are in the country --like walking  forever to get to the next house and up a long drive--but I have an awesome companion!  Elder Fakahau is from Tonga. He moved to California just like a year before he came on a mission. He is so great! Elder Fakahau is so happy--like nothing could get him down at all. I just love it! He just has the Island way, the faith of the people and he just loves it here. He's been in Howell for seven and a half months. He came out three months after me. I'm so blessed to have him.

With it being the new year, I have had the chance to reflect on the past year. I know how much Father in Heaven loves me. Over the past year, I have learned so many important lessons. I now have a personal relationship with my Savior. I know how to really commune with Father and I have seen the Lord working in the very fine details of my life. How richly blessed I have been. Instead of making a resolution for the year, I have decided to choose two words that I would like to live by. The first is "remember." If I can remember Jesus, as I have covenanted to do, then I would live a better, richer life. I would have the Spirit to be with me always and I would never be able to loose sight of the Celestial Kingdom. The other word is "experience." Bishop Day used that word over and over and I love it! I can pray to Father and it can be just words or I can humbly kneel before my Creator and have an experience with Him. That is what I want--to not only do the steps of the gospel but to hear and feel the music fill my soul and experience the light. Its been a great past year and this one has the possibility of being even better!!

My new address is: 62 Curzon Ct, Apt 301, Howell, MI 48843

Love you,
Elders Becker and Oviatt, my boys!

Michigan Detroit Missionaries, December 2015

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