We'll I lived to see another transfer here in Dearborn. So that's pretty exciting. I am a little sad that didn't get to move though. I think it's my restless feet syndrome kicking in, ha-ha. We had a good week. I really can't think of anything that sticks out to tell you guys about...a lot of tracting.
I honestly just wish that I could handle more than three hours of tracting a day. We would do so much more but I get burned out after hour number three. I get a little moody and lippy with people...or maybe it's bold? I think it's lippy though. Elder Meldrum thinks it's funny when I reach that point. I hate it though. There was this one old lady that we talked to and she was going off on us--not mean, but just stepping around the bush. Finally I told her we were offering her salvation and would she like some. Needless to say she didn't want it right then.
For Cooper's birthday we sent him a year supply of fortune
cookies...350 cookies. He wrote "So I ate all those fortune
cookies that you sent Mom. All in the month of February.
Lets just say my mouth was a little cut up! |
One thing did happen that was pretty wild. We were tracting and this girl came up and told us she was a member of our church. Yea, right! But then she actually named some people that were in the ward. She said we should go and visit her mom. She gave us the address then she seemed to just vanish. So after the street was done, we went and knocked on the door. Some one yelled, "who is it?" and opened the door just a crack. We said it was the missionaries....silence. So we said it again. Then the door was flung open and the lady just stared at us. We told her that her daughter had sent us. She looked so confused. She said her daughter was right there.There was a little four-year old girl behind her. I was like, "We just saw a ghost! This is crazy!" Well, she was a less active member. Come to find out there is some major bad blood between her and the ward. They told us, when we mentioned it to them on Sunday, that we should not go back and see her. Weird! Other than that, it was a pretty normal week.
I should have had you guys pray for warm weather sooner! It's a sad thing when its in the 30's and you think it's warm! It has been in the 40's and it's suppose to stay that way the rest of the week...with a couple days in the 50's. I am so pumped! I feel like I can actually be a missionary again, ha-ha!
I love you. I hope that you have a good week. Know that I'm thinking of you guys always.
P.S. Here are some pictures taken at the Ford Museum.
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