Thank you for sending me the fortune cookies and the other birthday present with the ties! It made my day! I was pretty pissy yesterday so it was hard and then that stuff came. I also got the card you guys sent. It totally brightened my day! I even got a card from Grandpa Kniffen! Elder Meldrum got me some brownies and ice cream. We partied when we got home last night. That was good enough for me! I think it's weird that I'll have to say that I'm 19 now! Ugh, I'm getting old! ha-ha
This week was pretty stressful. I went to transfers and got my new companion. His name is Elder Meldrum. He's from South Jordan so I kind of know where he's coming from. He's a really cool guy. This is his third transfer--he came out with Elder Oviatt. He likes Jeeps and old Army stuff and music. Hes' a little more of a cartoon guy than I am so I'm going to learn about that stuff this transfer. I got to go on exchanges the day after transfers. I thought it was funny--I had spent more time with the zone leader than my companion! It was kind of hard actually. Elder Whetzel is a super cool guy. I hope that I can serve with him some day soon. Other than that, our week was pretty normal. The most exciting thing that happened was that we got stopped by a cop. He told us we can't go door-to-door in Allen Park without a permit. So, no more knocking there.
Barb Thompson delivered homemade strawberry jam for a birthday gift. |
The other crazy thing was that storm we had. It was so bad that they canceled church the night before. I was really let down but we had a good day out with one of the members doing his home teaching. I didn't get to email you yesterday. With the storm, the mission asked us to stay in until the snow was cleared off the roads. When we got to the library, they had a sign that said the internet was down. We tried another place and they were closed. So I get to write today, which is kind of cool.
Thanks for all that you do for me--the thoughts, the letters and the prayers. I miss you so much. I just put my head down and work for that hug I know I'll get at the end of my mission! I hope you have a great day!
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