This week was another week...not too much happened. We got to teach a couple new people which was really awesome but we had to drop a lot of people. There are people on our potentials list that we finally took off. I always feel super bad when we have to take people off our white board. Normally, by the time we actually get to taking them off the board, we have already stopped seeing them. But I feel like when we take them off, we are damning them in a way. I know its their choice to accept the gospel or not, but still they should just except it already! We always joke quietly, Elder Meldrum and I, that we can baptize them dead or alive. It's up to them.
I got to go on an exchange with Elder Mwawatadi this week. He is from the Congo so this cold is really a bummer for him. We got, ha-got to go tracting in the morning before it really warmed up so it was 0 degrees outside. I could see his nose hairs were frozen. He was a good sport but I could tell that he was super done after an hour of being outside. We had a day in the 30's this week. Wow, what a warm spell!! It was so nice we were out knocking doors and actually didn't mind it too much because we could still feel our hands and feet and we didn't hurt!
These are Polish doughnuts called paczkis. They are only around on fat Tuesday. We ate two dozen they were so good! |
This is week 5 of the transfer. I think that I'm ready to move on and I would love to be released from being a district leader. It's cool and all but I would love not to get phone calls from the zone leaders anymore and have to answer their questions and feel responsible for the elders and sisters in the district. We'll find out, not this Saturday, but next what's going to happen. So stay tuned!
I hope that you have a good week! Thanks for all that you do for me and all the stuff you do for everyone else. I miss you always.