This week we went to dinner at this family's house. They are Filipino, maybe. So they made us lunch. It was pork chops and they had this oil to put on it. The oil had little peppers chopped up in it. Elder Olsen doesn't like spicy so I thought, "what the heck, it's worth a try!" She said it wasn't
too hot, so I tried it. If hell is half as hot as that pepper, I don't ever want to go there! I took a bite and instantly started to cry and sweat. It was
bad! I didn't say anything but asked for a glass of milk. Milk didn't even stop the fire! It was so hot!! I totally learned my lesson--not to put weird food in your mouth, it's a tender area!
The Hill Family |
We also had dinner with the Hill family. They are a family in our ward and President Hill is in the stake presidency. We had burgers again. Ha. ha. We eat a lot of burgers and pizza. The pizza is just gross now and burgers are getting old. But hey! at least I don't have to cook!
We went to Taco Bell and I went to sit down. Big Fat Cooper just about tipped the whole booth bench over! It wasn't bolted down so when I sat on it, I tipped it with my hand and dropped my butt into the seat. It slammed down super hard and the whole place was looking at me. It was super awkward!
Transfers skipped over us this time. Elder Olsen and I are still companions which is fine by me. He's super chill and easy going so no complaints there. (Even better that he doesn't have a ukulele!) Elder Olsen has been in South Lyon for three transfers now. After this one, he only has four more until he goes home. He keeps telling me that time flies by and I smile and tell myself it is probably true, but it sure doesn't feel like that some days!
Well I better go. I love you and I'm thinking and praying for you!
My district
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