Dinner with the Lichtenbergers |
I went on exchanges with Elder Bennett. He's one of the zone leaders. He was super fun to be with. He's from Logan, so pretty close to home. We had a long drive to get to his area and then we were running all night! It's so good to be busy and rush from one place to another! We got to teach a lesson at a Family Home Evening at a member's home. The member had invited one of the elder's investigators. It was so cool! He and his wife are from Brazil and his wife doesn't speak any English!
We met this man in our area this week. He was on the "former investigator" list. We went to see him and he wants to be baptized! He just needs to overcome some Word of Wisdom problems first! The first time that we met him, we invited him to pray about October 24th--to see if he felt that he should be baptized on that date. He said he would! It was really good. This week we went for our appointment and he wasn't there. We called--no answer! We were like, "Dang! He's not solid." We got a call Saturday night. He said he had relapsed and done meth. That's why it had been days since we had heard from him. We went and saw him. It was pretty freaky--he was still coming down from his high and was all over the place. Please pray for him. His name is Michael. He can use all the prayers he can get.
We're so excited for Conference to see who the new apostles will be. We have some guesses but we're not sure. I'm just excited to hear what they have to say to us! Get me some revelation!! I hope that you have a good week! I'll tell you what happenes with transfers next Monday. Pray for me! Pray that I'll go where He wants me to go and know what I am to be doing!