It has been really cold this week. We got snow yesterday. YUCK! It was raining and then it snowed, then it all froze. It's really slick and has a biting wind that I'm not happy about. I just want it to be summer again! Esther's birthday sounded like a good time. I'm glad that she enjoyed it! I'm really not sure how I feel about her baptism. I'm happy for her but I really wish that I could have been there for just that hour and then come back out here. That's really cool that the Brother and Sister Bean got to be apart of it all. They are both really cool people. I love them to death. Brother Bean has the Spirit--You can just feel it around him! I so want to be like that! I'm glad that Verla was there too. You had almost all of my favorite people in one room. You are so lucky!
With Elder Hidie |
So this week went good. I've seen a lot of blessings, thanks to some direction from Elder Hidie. He's one of the zone leaders. I got to go on exchanges with him this week and he taught me how to plan. It stinks! A man may not be saved in ignorance but some times I think that he can be saved by it. The way Elder Hidie taught me to plan is simple: make sure that you have a meaningful thing to do every hour. Simple, right? Well, it's hard when it's cold and you really don't feel like knocking doors that day. But then I realized that I am accountable for the time that I am given. And, at some point, God will ask me what I did with that time and I'll have to answer for it. So we went and knocked doors-- more to make sure that there was no wasted time and we actually started to find potential investigators.
Looking cool in Elder Oviatt's glasses! |
One really funny story is we knocked on this guy's door. He opened it and straight up told us he was drunk and he had lost a girlfriend. She dumped him so he was drinking his sorrows away. His brother, who was slightly less drunk, told us to to tell him to get over it. Well, they let us in and we talked about the restoration with the two of them. They probably don't remember it but oh well. He was holding a big glass of something alcoholic while we talked. We invited him to pray at the end and me, not thinking, asked for his drink (because he really shouldn't pray with that in his hand, ha-ha). He handed it right over. So he prayed and we left. I gave the drink to his brother who gave it right back to him, sadly. As we got out, Elder Oviatt just looked at me. He said he couldn't believe that I had done that. It was a pretty good week. Nothing too exciting. A guy did take a picture of our licence plate to give the cops for soliciting after hours. He was a puke but other than that I had a good week!
There is a guy that makes Michigan Detriot Mission rings
for missionaries that come through his ward.
So I had him make me one--It's sweet! |
Thanks for the prayers. They are really the force that keeps me going. I have no doubt about that!