This week a lot actually happened. It was a good week to end the transfer with!
Monday we didn't do too much out of the ordinary. We had a Christmas open house on Saturday so
we went out and delivered the invitations to that. Tuesday we went out teaching with a ward missionary. His name is Brock. He is sweet--the best ward missionary ever! He works for Ford so once in a while he drives a test car that he is trying to gather information on. Well, he pulled up in a 2015 Porsche! It was so cool! It was so fast! He punched it a couple of times to "test" the car and the brakes. Oh my gosh! It was so great. He said that it was a $120,000 car. I started to drool. It was great! It's sad when you wish that your lesson would get over so that you could go get back in the car! Sad to say but the lady we were visiting was kind of dull in comparison. We just had to check on her for Brother Clawson, the ward mission leader. The next day we just spent the whole time giving out flyers and the following day was pretty much the same.
Friday we went tracting for the first time almost all week. We met this really neat guy named Ramon. He is Persian. He was a soldier that protected President Carter. He has a master's degree in chemistry and a PhD in polymer chemistry. He is now divorced and lost his job because he has a gambling problem. It's sad to see people that are absolute genius's destroyed because of an addiction! We also went and saw that Christian family that fed us dinner forever ago. They let us right back in and talked with us for a good 45 minutes. They are so great! I am still absolutely shocked by them! We brought them a framed copy of "The Proclamation to the World" as a gift for their kindness towards us. They invited us to come back. They are so awesome! As we left, the husband shook our hands. I went to shake his wife's hand and she refused and gave me a hug instead! I officially adopt them as family! I was so happy!
The Christmas party was a great success. The ward was great--they actually brought people. They had a great program. There was a less-active boy that came. He sat and talked to me about wresting the whole time. He actually knew the names of moves and stuff. Obviously he didn't know that I was a guy that wrestled just for fun--not so much for the winning!
We got the transfer calls that night I'm leaving! I won't find out where I'm going until tomorrow morning but I'm excited for it. Some place new, with new people. I asked Heavenly Father to send me where I would grow the most. So I guess that's were I'm headed! It must be so good that Satan is working against me. I filled up my water bottle last night and was walking back to bed and I ran into the corner of the wall! It hurt! I went and laid down and then I realized I was bleeding! I had split my head open, not very big but it was bleeding pretty good!
By the way, I returned the boots that I bought. They were more for style than for keeping my feet warm. The store we went to get Army boots was out of black in my size. We stopped by a Red Wing store. We went in and pretty much walked right back out. Elder Iverson asked the guy what he could get for $60. The man told him he had some socks he could get. Ha.ha. Yeah, he was serious. So we went to Payless and I got some big klunky boots. Yuck! I hate boots. They are so awkward to wear and I feel slow and zombie-like in them. One thing I'm learning out here is that there is no such thing as comfort and style. It's all about how much it costs and will it last. Luckily we don't have any snow so I wore the boots for a week and then went back to my shoes.
I can't wait to see where I'm going! I'll work hard! I'll mail you a letter with my new address on it. I hope you have a good week!
The past district. I wanted to take a picture in some nun robes because this week, on the 18th, I'll be a brand new sister missionary--18 months to go! I'm afraid they didn't have one that I could borrow. Bummer! |