Slowly but surely! This week was pretty slow for us--it flew by but I feel like we got nothing done. ha-ha. We saw the girls. They still haven't been to church--week three now! I'm starting to get a little frustrated with their mom, like I have mentioned. May this be a lesson to everyone: If you want peace and happiness and power to overcome, here is the key: obedience! That's it! Cut and dry! All the worries of life will still be there but you will have the all the Creator of Heaven and Earth on your side! You cannot fail!! I wish she would just try and understand that and live it! She would find the peace that I know she needs.
Elder Abbott, my companion |
We also got to see Jannett. (She's the older lady in the nursing home.) She was so happy to see us. It was just great. I'm tearing up thinking about it! She is so lonely and afraid. She told us her oldest son isn't coming to see her anymore. He told her that he needs a break from her. I hurt for her but you can tell she feels the spirit when we come. I've learned that it really doesn't matter what I say to people. It's how they feel that matters. The Spirit they feel is different and they are unfamiliar with it. That is what interests people.
We had a zone conference this week. It was the Gerbers (and my) last one. It was good to see everyone. The Gerbers talked about the next president and his wife. He invited the Elders and Sisters to pray to know if he was called by God. I already know he is. I sure hope the missionaries that stay here will feel that. It was a powerful conference.
I had my finally interview with President. It was so nice. I felt the love and the Spirit was so strong! I felt physically tired afterwards--that's how strong it was. We just talked about me, the spirit of the law and how I cannot compromise at all. I felt a little offended that he would talk about that but as we talked I could see that he was worried about me and who I needed to be for the Lord to work through me. It was tender. We talked also talked about what my plans are. What I want, not what the church or you want for me but what I want for me. I shared how I felt and I think he understood. We had some great conversations, We shared a special moment after talking about life and stuff . I told him I appreciated what he does and he said the same. He thanked me for coming on my mission. I told him I was grateful he let me stay and he teared up. He thanked me for staying and giving up my life to be here. "It's just what we do," was what I replied and he understood. What a wonderful man! He is a new role model for me for sure!
It was a good week and were going to make this one good to. Who knew that you could love as deep as this! I was thinking about much as I have missed you and the family, that is how much I'm going to miss these people! Two years ago I didn't think I would ever feel this was. Crazy how God works!